Wednesday, March 31, 2010

15 hours of hell time

15 hours to go
till we can register an account ?!?!?!?!?
omg! waited for so looong!!! waited 4 THREE
DAYS!! . relax my friends its ok..
PATIENCE is all we need to get something we like..
well they said "The most powerful warrior are PATIENCE and TIME"
so that means all i have to do is to wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait until
tomorrow ..

yah i also forgot :P i woke up late wondering i have a meeting
with my girl "FRIEND" of mine. tsk2 hope she doesn't
get MAD of me :) hehe sorry you know who you are
just take care and your TEA is the BEST!

thats all xD


Thursday, March 25, 2010


That's what my tummy screams when it's empty!
whew! I guess It's time for me to play with the KITCHEN:))
+ + + +
A question had popped in my mind..
"What food am I going to eat??"
whow! that's quite a big problem.. and so
i searched in the cabinet..enk! NOTHING,looked in the drawer.. enk! NOTHING..
not until i found.. the REFRIGERATOR!(haha my savior!) ~
And so i have found a can of TUNA, some eggs and
also rice^^ I started chopping some
onions, garlic.. I went out the curry,peppers and some salts..
then cooked it all together..


I came up with..A.F.T.E.R.S (A Fried Tuna Egg Rice by Sham)
[haha a very weird name though!]
you may try it also for sure it's 100%
SCRUMPTIOUS since I was the one
who INVENTED it^^ hihi
good luck^:)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Trust Yourself :)

"I am having a hard time doing my job right
well done is all i want to hear from you
i know its hard to do it correctly
but i hope uLL accept it deeply and heartly.."

"Being with you is tough
Being with you is hard
but To know you is a bless
and i met a friend whose there for the rest.."

doodling in a blogger ..
hehe think its kinda COOL ^^

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

i very very nice movie that every human being
must watch! ahehe weird right?
i don't know why but the story line is very
fantastic.. the characteristics of Sherlock Holmes as well as
Dr. John Watson,his assistant as well as his noble friend, were
fascinating! I hope I had that kind of
characteristic who's intelligent,brave,wise,strong..etc.
this story also proves that mind is better than body..
although body is quite needed but with
his speculative mind, it gave a good outcome
when he have fighting scenes!!
Actually "Sherlock Holmes" was a creation of
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a very brilliant author!
Credits to him!Without his magnificent creation there would
be no Sherlock Holmes and maybe there will
be no Sherlock Holme's blog post in this profile!

Long Live! :))

Saturday, March 6, 2010


running under the heat of the SUN
early in the morning..
2 hours of sleep..
temperatures rising ..
people shouting..
STAMPEDE possibility rising..
but HEY! "chix" are everywhere!
SO MUCH FUN running with

got to go HOME
FB for a while
then sleep ..