Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Hariraya Eid'l Adha

"to all my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters,
I just wanted to greet,all of you, an ecstatic Hariraya Eid'l Adha.

Please, do forgive me for the things that I have done
made me hurt you inadvertently.
Truly, I am very SORRY..

all in our hearts..."


Thursday, November 26, 2009

mini biography

["In this post, you will get to know me much much better
as i began to unravel my true identity"]

I took my first breath on the 18th day of June in the year 1992
The name addressed to me was an Arabic word "Hesham" which literally means
"gentle". I lived on Earth, in Asia, Southeast Asia region,in the Philippines,
Region IX,in the Asia's Latin City (Zamboanga City), Barangay Sta. Catalina,
Kasanyangan Street and Block 349, for about 17 years of my life..
I lived with my my mother, Hja. Seha "Nashmin" Ahmad Amil,
my two silly little brothers, Ahmad Nizhar "Nioz" Amil Ysmael and
Arham "Humhum" Amil Ysmael, and not-to-mention my only well-favored
little sister, Shahra-Zad "Cheen" Amil Ysmael**
I finished my study in high school at Western Mindanao State University
Integrated Laboratory School in year 2009 and now
currently studying in ATIC (Asian Tourism International College)
pursuing the dream of being the best chef in town.

I hope you did enjoy reading this selection..
a big THANKS:)

ps* have you ever wondered why i didn't mention my father?
he died because of some reason when i was 5 years old.
His name was Hasan bin Ysmael, a great and good looking father!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

miss her..

alyssa amira yusop G.
i miss her smile ;)
i miss her hug \o/
i miss her kiss :-*
i miss her laugh :))
i miss her batting eyelashes ;;)
i miss her frown ;(
i miss her cry ;((
i miss her tongue ;

to sum it up

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Place I like to Hang Out

boulevard of ZAMBOANGA
I love this place.. i like to hang out here with my friends
and family
. whenever boredom strikes and hunger, we go
to this place. its not quite far from our school and our home.
i like to eat
street foods in boulevard
especially "kwek2" plus a mountaindew soda.
but the most thing that i like in this place is the SUNSET coz its
soooooooooo BEAUTIFUL and PEACEFUL. ;)

My Favorite Food!


Tiula Itum (Black Soup)

Here is the procedure for making the dish
Mature Coconut Meat
Beef Stew Meat
Green Chili

1) Roast the coconut meat until its black. Pound the burnt coconut meat to powder.
2) Pound turmeric ginger. Then mix with the coconut dust.
3) Use mixture to rub the beef cuts.
4) Saute onions.
5) Add the beef cuts.
6) Add water. Let boil then simmer until meat is tender.
7) Add chili.
8) Season to taste.

Tiula itum is a TAUSUG dish. It is exotic even to me.
I just had my first taste of the famous Tiula Itum last time at Khisma's Muslim Cuisine in Zamboanga. 'Itum' means BLACK or ITAM. So don't be surprised if you're served a piping hot black broth. As L put it, the blacker the better. Also, the hotter the better, the spicier the better.I MISS EATING THIS FOOD!;(

Songs i Want to hear!



Stacy Ferguson (better known as Fergie)
William James Adams, Jr
Allan Pineda Lindo
Jaime Gomez

I love the way they SING.. makes me DANCE haha. And this group also
is very famous. most of there songs goes at the TOP hit CHARTS
that's why they are FAMOUS. And there songs has a
meaning be it nationalistic, LOVE, friendships
and MANY more no less to
say .. i can come it up in 1 word

"The last time when i hit the ground of Asia's Latin City"

As I bid goodbye to my fellow families,reliable
,amicable friends,and not-to-forget my girl(ALYSSA AMIRA),it
shattered my heart for I'll SURELY miss them a lot!
Seeing them waving their hands and shedding some droplets of tear,
really cuts my heart like a knife.When I turned back
and said goodbye to them,I can't help but to let my
tears fall down deep inside of my heart.
I will definitely MISS them especially my MOTHER.
I'm so sad that I could not see her for a very long time.
Though it's painful for me to handle it,I realized
that this is what I chose, and I have to face it!
I'll just have to do my very best for them not to be
disappointed.Maybe,a little taste of SACRIFICE is a part
of every human's life to attest his strength in facing
hardships.I know that someday,
I could be someone who can be PROUD OF:)


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Action/Adventure, Science Fiction and Thriller
November 13, 2009
Rated PG-13 for intense disaster sequences and some language.

Roland Emmerich
cant wait for this film !wooo xD kinda excited hehe. i dont know why because i like movies like destroying the world like the first one "the independence day" and the second "the day after tomorrow" and the fact they have all same directors! the legendary Roland Emmerich. hope the movie will come out great and i know it WILL..